AWS DevOps

Job Title: AWS DevOps

Primary Skill: AWS DevOps, API Gateway, EKS or ECS

Location: Hyderabad/Pune/Coimbatore

Mode of Work: Hybrid

Experience: 5-9 years.

About the Job :

We are seeking a skilled AWS DevOps Engineer to join our dynamic team. As an AWS DevOps Engineer, you will play a crucial role in designing, implementing, and maintaining our cloud infrastructure and deployment pipelines. Your primary responsibility will be to streamline our software delivery processes, automate manual tasks, and optimize system performance and reliability.

Know your team:

At ValueMomentum’s Engineering Center, we are a team of passionate engineers who thrive on tackling complex business challenges with innovative solutions while transforming the P&C insurance value chain. We achieve this through strong engineering foundation and continuously refining our processes, methodologies, tools, agile delivery teams, and core engineering archetypes. Our core expertise lies in six key areas: Cloud Engineering, Application Engineering, Data Engineering, Core Engineering, Quality Engineering, and Domain expertise.

Join a team that invests in your growth. Our Infinity Program empowers you to build your career with role-specific skill development leveraging immersive learning platforms. You’ll have the opportunity to showcase your talents by contributing to impactful projects.”


  • Build CI/CD pipeline leveraging AWS code commit, code build & code pipeline for all the environments available in the project.
  • Creating and working with automations involving Terraform in combination with AWS DevOps stack.
  • Modify existing CI/CD pipeline to align with new requirements.
  • Propose and enforce dev team to follow a best branching and merging strategies.
  • Automate the creation of API and its life cycle management as part of CI.
  • Create developer portal (AWS service) for the APIs being created.
  • Embed shit-left approach to enable security first approach while designing the pipelines.
  • Based on the requirement and availability of tools, embed the steps for code review, container image scans, vulnerability scans in the pipeline
  • Enable quality gates to ensure clean builds are only allowed for the deployments.


  • 5+ years of experience in DevOps, creating pipelines using AWS DevOps.
  • Hands on experience with secure parameters in AWS.
  • Extensive knowledge on automation using Terraform for all aspects of DevOps (such as ECS cluster automation, AWS repo creation, etc.,)
  • Working experience on AWS ECS with Fargate, Lambda, API Gateway.
  • Extensive work exp on Container orchestration using ECS and ECR.
  • Maintaining production environment and build releases.
  • Working experience on Containerization for Spring boot applications.
  • Extensive knowledge on SCM (AWS Code Commit or GitHub).
  • Good to have programming expertise on Java technologies.
  • Conversant with latest technology trends and can adopt to new solutions as per customer needs.
  • Very good hands-on experience with YAML and scripting.
  • Good verbal & written communication skills.
  • Time management skills and multi-tasking.
  • Good interpersonal and team working skills.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills.
  • One team approach and team collaboration.
  • Positive mindset to learn new technologies.

About ValueMomentum:

ValueMomentum is a leading solutions provider for the global property & casualty insurance industry, supported by deep domain and technology capabilities. We offer a comprehensive suite of advisory, development, implementation, and maintenance services across the entire P&C insurance value chain. This includes Underwriting, Claims, Distribution, and more, empowering insurers to stay ahead with sustained growth, high performance, and enhanced stakeholder value.  Trusted by over 75 insurers, ValueMomentum is one of the largest standalone insurance-focused solutions providers to the US insurance industry.

Our culture – Our fuel

At ValueMomentum, we believe in making employees win by nurturing them from within, collaborating and looking out for each other.

  • People first – Empower employees to succeed.
  • Nurture leaders – Nurture from within.
  • Enjoy wins – Recognize and celebrate wins.
  • Collaboration – Foster a culture of collaboration and people-centricity.
  • Diversity – Committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Fun – Create a fun and engaging work environment.
  • Warm welcome – Provide a personalized onboarding experience.

Company Benefits:

  • Compensation – Competitive compensation package comparable to the best in the industry.
  • Career Growth – Career development, comprehensive training & certification programs, and fast track growth for high potential associates.
  • Benefits: Comprehensive health benefits and life insurance.

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