Data & Analytics Services

Unlock the intelligence within your data to drive your business

Democratize access to data you can trust and enable better enterprise decision making

Enterprises are feeling competitive pressure to effectively aggregate and analyze troves of internal and external data to deliver insights to the business. Leading Insurance firms trust ValueMomentum’s DataLeverage to help them accelerate the transformation of their existing data siloes into unified pools of actionable intelligence that empower business users with the real-time insights needed to drive results.

Here’s what we can do for your company

Enterprise Data Advisory

In today’s competitive data-driven world, harnessing the power of data for analytics and decision making—from Big Data Lake Analytics to Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)—offers a competitive edge. To stay ahead and increase business effectiveness, leading organizations are modernizing their enterprise practices, tools and platforms.

ValueMomentum’s DataLeverage team is committed to applying its significant experience across core, corporate, shared services, and external systems to assist you with defining the right technology strategy, architecture, and platforms to accelerate the process of standardizing, analyzing and managing your data.

Data Management

Data has always been an important asset in the insurance industry, which is largely built on a series of algorithms and commercial models. Data analysis helps insurers provide greater insights and identify and target the right customers with the appropriate offerings.

ValueMomentum helps enterprises execute on several program initiatives in coherence with enterprise information management strategy. This includes enterprise data consolidation, data migration/conversion to modern core systems, master data management, data governance, data integration, and optimization of existing information/data management processes, all while adhering to global data privacy & security regulations.

Data Platform Modernization

Design and implement modern data platform frameworks to help organizations build a trusted, secured, integrated and governed data platform. This platform is the foundation that provides data on demand for all business and analytical needs using self-serviceable capabilities.

Our services help companies deliver a modernized data platform using state-of-the-art cloud technologies combined with ValueMomentum’s ready-to-deploy frameworks, domain-specific data models, and assets and accelerators. Become a true data driven organization and accelerate speed to market with a modern data platform and next gen advanced analytics

BI, Insights & Analytics

Having access to business intelligence and analytics is crucial for any insurance company to succeed in this highly competitive industry. Data analytics helps insurers determine events and factors that could affect the outcome of claims, identify and target potential markets, and retain customers by presenting them with actionable insights based on their historical data.

Data Ops

Data Ops is an organization-wide data management practice that controls the flow of data from source to value, with the goal of standardizing and accelerating the process of deriving value from data. Data Ops helps data teams drive outcomes that are scalable, repeatable, and predictable.

In today’s world, organizations have a number of data flows to manage –data flows that also keep changing / increasing at intervals. As the volume, velocity, variety, and veracity of data are increasing, organizations need a new way to manage this complexity.

Value Momentum’s data experts, along with its library of data assets and accelerators, can help set up and baseline your organization’s data operations.
ValueMomentum has been our trusted business partner in development, building and Go-live of everything we put together for the modernization of our Data Platform.
Kim Wienzierl, Assistant Vice President, IT
Pekin Insurance

Resources to gain insights on Data & Analytics