ValueMomentum is pleased to announce that it is recognized amongst the fastest growing technology companies under the “Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India program” conducted by Deloitte for the year 2010. This was announced at an Awards Ceremony in the Program’s annual function held at the Taj West End at Bangalore on the 12th of November 2010.”
The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India Program, now in its sixth year, ranks the fastest growing technology companies in India based on their percentage revenue growth over the last three financial years. ValueMomentum is ranked 24th among the top 50 companies in the Technology sector with a growth of 171% during the three immediate preceding years.
About ValueMomentum
ValueMomentum is helping Insurance and Financial Services firms realize the full potential of their technology investments. An unmatched mix of Industry Process Experience, Technology Expertise and Keep-Customer-for-Life approach are the hallmarks of its solutions and services.
Headquartered in South Plainfield, NJ, ValueMomentum has world class delivery centers in South Plainfield, NJ and Hyderabad, India. There are additional Client Services and Business Development offices in Chicago, IL, Sunnyvale, CA and Hyderabad, India.
Media Contacts:
North America:
Srinivas Vasireddy,
ValueMomentum, Inc.
Tel.: +1 (908) 755-0050
Asia Pacific:
Ravi Rao,
ValueMomentum, Inc.
Tel: +91 (40) 67338419
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